Only Admin users can edit, archive, reactivate and delete users. Is also important to mention that, in order to delete a user, you first need to archive them. Please see below instructions for:
Edit users
- Go to the Your account menu and click on the type of user you are looking to edit. For example an adviser
- Search for the name of the user you need to archive
- Click on the name and you will see a menu will appear under the name. Click on EDIT DETAILS
- A new modal will open with the user details for you to edit. Once done click on UPDATE
Archive users
- Go to the Your account menu and click on the type of user you are looking to archive. For example an adviser.
- Search for the name of the user you need to archive:
- Click on the name and you will see a menu will appear under the name. Click on EDIT DETAILS
- A module will open with the user details. You will see there is a status section, select "Archive" from the dropdown and then save the changes by clicking on UPDATE ADVISER:
Bulk archive users
- You can also archive multiple users at the same time. Simply follow step 1 of the above instructions. Once you are on the list of users, simply tick the box on the left side of the users you want to archive. You will see the below menu will appear at the top of the list. Click on archive advisers:
Delete users
Please be aware that deleting users is an irreversible action.
- Once you have Archive a user, you can also delete them. Follow the 1st and 2nd step from the above instructions.
- Now Click on the filters tab on the right side of the search bar and you will see a status option will show. Change the status from Active to Archive:
- You will now see your archive user. Click on the name and you will see a menu appear. Click on DELETE ADVISER:
Delete multiple users
- As with the archive action, you can also delete multiple users in bulk. Simply follow the above instruction up to step 2. Once you have filtered the list to only show archive users. tick the box on the left side on the name of those users you are looking to delete. You will see a menu will appear on the top of the list. Click DELETE ADVISERS
Re-activate users
- If you wish to reactivate users, follow the above steps. Once you have filtered your list to only show archived users, click on the name, then from the menu appearing below, click EDIT DETAILS and change the status from archive to active. After that click on UPDATE ADVISER to save the changes
- You can also do this in bulk. Once you are on the list of archived users, tick the box next to the names you want to reactivate and you will see a menu appear on the top of the list. Click ACTIVATE ADVISERS
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